Work at Vandenberg SFB
Want to work for Vandenberg SFB? Current openings can be found on USAJobs. USAJobs is an official website of the United States government for listing civil service job opportunities with federal agencies. Head over to USAJobs to find the perfect job for you. Link:...
Welcome to our new website!
We've been hard at work putting together a great new website for the Vandenberg Community! We've added a lot more content so you can easily get what you need and take advantage of the great services and offers available at your local FSS facilities. We'll be adding...
Work Hard, Play Hard
Do you work or live on Vandenberg SFB? Whether you are retired, active duty, reserves, a dependent, contractor, or civilian, you have access to our Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) facilities. Vandenberg Outdoor Recreation has everything you need to rent for your...
Love Children? Consider Becoming a Family Child Care Provider!
As the small group of children watched in wonderment, Desiree assisted the 3-year old… gently placing the large green leaf into the netted cage where caterpillars were living and growing. One of the girls in the group squealed with amazement when the black caterpillar...
Childcare Subletting App Comes to Vandenberg!
Parents at Vandenberg now have an easy way to sublet childcare at the CDC. The Kinderspot app helps Department of Defense families on Air and Space Force bases offer or find weeklong blocks of time for rent at the CDC. The Kinderspot app allows families with children...